icon Overview

The Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in the year 2004 and offers a 4 Year B.E Mechanical Programme and 2 Year M.E. CAD/CAM both which are granted permanent affiliation by Anna University. The B.E Mechanical programme is accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) and the department is recognized as a Centre for carrying out Ph.D/M.S.(By Research) Programme by Anna University, Chennai. To prepare industry ready engineers of future, the department has a right blend of faculty in the areas of Machine Learning, 3D Printing, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence Biomechanics, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Finite Element Analysis and various Simulation and Analysis Tools. The Department of Mechanical Engineering has established student chapters of SAE, ISTE, IE (I) and Solar Energy club for organizing various events in association with the Regional Chapters.

icon Vision

To prepare competent Mechanical Engineers with state of art technologies to cater industry demands.

icon Mission

  • To create technically proficient students to meet global challenges
  • To enable the opportunities for students and faculty members to apply the knowledge
  • To prepare students to excel as successful professionals and entrepreneur’s in their careers


  • B.E – Mechanical Engineering
  • M.E – CAD/CAM
  • Ph.D – Mechanical Engineering
Program Educational Objectives
Graduates should be able to Comprehend, analyze and synthesize data in order to design and develop mechanical systems
Graduates should be able to resolve industrial problems and create newer opportunities
Graduates should be able to demonstrate leadership skills and ethical value for sustainable economical development towards the improvement of quality of life
Program Outcomes
1. Engineering Knowledge
An ability to apply knowledge of Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Engineering
2. Problem Analysis
Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
3. Design/development of solutions
An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as Economic, Environmental, Social, Health and Safety, Manufacturability and Sustainability
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems
An ability to identify, formulate and solve Mechanical Engineering Problems
5. Modern Tool usage
An ability to use the Techniques, Skills, and Modern Mechanical Engineering Tools necessary for Engineering Practice
6. The Engineer and Society
An ability to understand contemporary Technical and Professional issues in the practice of Mechanical Engineering
7. Environment and Sustainability
An ability to provide Engineering solutions in Global, Economic, Environmental, and Societal context
8. Ethics
An ability to lead with Professional and Ethical Responsibility
9. Individual and team work
An ability to function on Multidisciplinary teams.
10. Communication
An ability to communicate effectively
11. Project management and finance
An ability to administrate the Project Management and Finance
12. Lifelong learning
An ability to recognize the need of Life-Long Learning
Program Specific Outcomes
To apply the knowledge of design, development and analysis of Mechanical Systems
To demonstrate collaborative learning for making more sustainable products
To work as a professional entrepreneur by applying Mechanical and Management practices