Two days National Level Workshop on “PYTHON PRODUCTIVITY FOR ZYNQ ALL PROGRAMMABLE SoC USING PYNQ” was organized by ECE Department for the Faculties and students at Seminar Hall II On (17.10.2019 & 18.10.2019), Mr. H. Balachander and Mr. V. Senthilmurugan from CoreEL Technologies are the Chief Guests of the seminar and inaugurated the function with Principal,Dean, HoD addresses. Later the session 1 starts with introduction to python and its applications, Session 2 he discuss about PYNQ kit and its application, Session 3 he discuss about PYNQ Kit and its application, Session 4 he teach how Python program is implemented in PYNQ with various applications.Participants from AVS Engineering College Salem and EGS Pillay Engineering College Nagapatinam and internal participants from other departments are participated.