icon Overview

The Department of Agricultural Engineering was established with the aim of shaping our students into competent professional engineers, recognizing the significance of agriculture as the backbone of our nation. The department employs highly skilled academic members and has access to cutting edge laboratory resources. The department provides a B.Tech. in Agricultural Engineering with an emphasis on helping students become more proficient in the real world by equipping them with knowledge of contemporary farming and irrigation techniques and motivating them to tackle a variety of real-world problems in small-scale farming operations. In order to fulfil the requirements of the degree programme, our department is expanding by setting up various laboratories, such as Farm Machinery and Power, Agro-meteorological Observatory, Irrigation Field Laboratory, Food Process Engineering Lab, Soil and Water Conservation Engineering Lab, Agricultural Processing Lab, Bio-energy Lab, Post Harvest Engineering Lab, etc. To ensure that Agricultural Engineers have enough agricultural experience, a farm is assigned to them.

icon Vision

To train and empower the students towards Agricultural Engineering profession with a wealth of knowledge and function effectively in disciplines like agricultural machinery and automated machine systems, soil conservation, irrigation and drainage, crop nutrient and fustigation, postharvest handling and value addition, farm animals and housing etc. for the efficient production and processing of food, feed, fibre and fuels.

icon Mission

  • To develop skills on the various aspects of Agricultural Engineering to make graduates become into entrepreneurs, scientists, academicians and technologists for sustained food production to meet the ever-increasing population’s food needs.
  • To strengthen the research activities are in Agricultural Engineering by proposing innovative and application-oriented projects for the development of agriculture and allied sectors.
  • To establish the necessary infrastructure to meet the industrial, and Development needs.


  • B.Tech. – Agricultural Engineering
Program Educational Objectives
To train and educate students with general knowledge and skills in agricultural water management, agricultural production process, farm machinery and farm management

To provide a sound theoretical knowledge in Engineering principles applied to agriculture.

To prepare students for a successful Agricultural Engineering career integrating all aspects of engineering in agriculture.

To develop innovative capacity of students for increasing Agricultural production with scarce water resources available.

To impart positive and responsive out-reach attitudes, initiative and creative thinking in their mission as engineers.

To understand ethical issues and responsibility of serving the society and the environment at large.

Program Outcomes

1. Engineering Knowledge
Ability to apply the knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering in agriculture.

2. Problem Analysis
Ability to design and conduct experiments, analyze and interpret data to prepare farm specific report.

3. Design/development of solutions
Ability to design an irrigation system to meet the desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, and sustainability.

4. Conduct investigations of complex problems
Ability to think creatively, to formulate problem statements, to communicate effectively, to synthesize information, and to evaluate agricultural systems.

5. Modern Tool usage
Ability to function in interdisciplinary teams within the Institute and also with other organizations at National/ International level while planning the research projects.

6. The Engineer and Society
Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for Agricultural engineering practice.

7. Environment and sustainability
Ability to develop competencies in computer and automatic control systems, information systems, mechanical systems, natural resource systems to solve engineering problems.

8. Individual and Team work
Ability to express them clearly in oral and verbal communication needs.

9. Communication
Ability to devise a strategy or action plan to utilize the acquired knowledge in increasing water- use efficiency, farm mechanization and Post-harvest technology etc.

10. Project management and finance
Capability to self-educate in emerging problems and understand the value of lifelong learning in Food Technology, Farm Machinery and Food Processing.

Program Specific Outcomes
PSO1: Professional Skill Development
To ensure education necessary to understand Agricultural Engineering solutions in global and social context.

PSO2: Analytical Skill and Problem Solving Expertise
To have the ability to solve complex problems related to farm mechanization, soil and water conservation, post-harvest technology, renewable and non-renewable resource technologies, landscape architecture and modern irrigation techniques.

PSO3: Career and entrepreneurship skill
Understanding the social awareness and environment necessity along with ethical responsibility to have a successful career and to have a zeal for real world application using optimum resource and to become an entrepreneur.