The faculty members, research scholars and students are encouraged to carry out the research in core areas and interdisciplinary domains.Keeping in view of quality research, the stakeholders are expected to strictly follow the research policy of the institution.
Academic Research
- Faculty members with PhD degree shall apply and obtain the supervisor recognition from Anna University within 3 years from the award of the degree.
- Supervising the scholars in any other University is not encouraged
- A supervisor, at any point of time, can guide 10 scholars at the maximum (including joint supervisor).
- Number of full time scholars to the supervisors is limited by the institution time to time based on the infrastructure availability.
- Research ethics is to be meticulously followed by the supervisor and scholar throughout the research. The violation will lead to the disciplinary action as per the quantum of violation.
- Research scholar shall submit a copy of Ph.D. / M.S. thesis to the College Library on successful completion of the Viva-Voce.
- Supervisor and the scholar must also follow the regulations of the Anna University

Publication and Act of Plagiarism
- Supervisors shall endorse the candidates to publish their research work and the scholar shall publish the research paper in reputed (Scopus/ SCI/SCI-E/ESCI, Indian Citation Index) indexed conferences / Workshops / Journals
- Scholar can submit the paper only after submitting the Manuscript Submission Request (MSR) form along with the paper and the Urkund report endorsed by the supervisor
- Synopsis/ Thesis should accompany Urkund plagiarism report while submitting same to Center for Research, Anna University.
- All Post Graduate Students thesis should include the copy of Plagiarism check report.
- Maximum of 25% of similarity is allowed for Ph.D Thesis, Synopsis and Post Graduate Thesis
- Both Supervisor and the scholar are responsible for any copy right violation and serious action will be taken thereof
Sponsored / Collaborative /Industrial Research
- Faculty shall apply for funding support from the Govt / Industries, to do Sponsored/ Collaborative research based on the call for proposals from the agencies.
- Department Level Project Proposal Review Committee (PPRC) shall be constituted that comprises of Principal Investigator (PI), Subject Expert, Dean, HOD for proposal assessment.
- PPRC shall forward the proposals upon review to the Principal for approval towards the submission of proposals to the funding agencies
- PI shall then submit the application along with supporting documents based on the approval to the Funding Agencies Website.
- PIs shall create a new Head of Account and prepare a Stock Register with proper entries of purchase of Recurring and Non-Recurring items upon sanction of the project by the funding agency
- PIs shall appoint a Project fellow (if applicable) by means of advertising and then selection shall be done by conducting the interview based on the budget approval of the funding agency. The interview panel should be constituted with one external expert member along with PI and HOD.
- PIs shall attend the Progress Review Meeting (Once in six months) conducted by the Progress Review Committee that comprises of Principal, Dean-R&D and expert members. The PIs shall submit the Half yearly Progress Review Report to the Dean concerned.
- PIs shall prepare Project Completion Report on completion of the project duration according to the guidelines of the funding agency.
- PIs shall prepare the Utilization Certificate (UC) duly signed by the Auditor.
- PIs shall submit the Project Completion Report, Utilization Certificate and Publications / patent list to the Sponsoring agency through the Dean and the Principal.
Incentives for Journal Publications and Books
- Journal papers and book publications with Muthayammal Engineering College affiliation are only eligible for incentives
- Applicable only for papers published in Science Citation Index (SCI) and Scopus indexed Journals.
- Faculty members are encouraged to publish research papers with experts from reputed Institutions / Industries.
S.No. | Author Position in the Paper/Book Publication | Incentives |
1 | First Author | 5000/- |
2 | Second Author | 2500/- |
3 | Text/ Reference Book published by an International publishers irrespective of author position | 10000/- |
4 | Partial contribution for Chapter Writing published by international publishers. irrespective of author position | 5000/- |