Wearable Electronics Group

Wearable Electronics Group

Wearable Electronics: Wearable electronics are electronic devices constantly worn by a person as unobstructively as clothing to provide intelligent assistance that augments memory, intellect, creativity, communication and physical senses. Wearable electronics deal with clothing and textiles that incorporate computing devices and other electronic technology into their everyday use and functionality. This term applies to anything that can be worn on the body. Watches, hats, glasses, and shirts all fall into the very broad category of wearable electronics when paired with some sort of electronic technology.

Value Added & Skill Development Courses(VASD) :TLeG ID : 50G45 : Wearable Electronics Group
S.NoCourse IDYearSemesterCourse NameCourse Coordinator
Name and Desigination
No. of Benefitted
1VASD 2101452021 - 22ODDWearable device development using Arduino BoardMr.A.Kumaravel, Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
2VASD 2102452021 - 22EVEN Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health MonitoringMr.A.Kumaravel, Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
3VASD2201452022 - 23ODDVLSI Design for Wearable ElectronicsMr.A.Kumaravel, Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
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