Nano materials Group

Nano materials Group

Nanomaterials research takes a materials science-based approach to nanotechnology, leveraging advances in materials metrology and synthesis which have been developed in support of microfabrication research. Materials with structure at the nanoscale often have unique optical, electronic, or mechanical properties.

Value Added & Skill Development Courses(VASD) :TLeG ID : 50G42 : Nano materials Group
S.NoCourse IDYearSemesterCourse NameCourse Coordinator
Name and Desigination
No. of Benifitted
1VASD 2101422021 - 22ODDNano Materials and it’s PropertiesDr.S.J. Azhagu shanmugam, Professor/ Physics
Department of Science and Humanities
2VASD 2102422021 - 22EVEN Characterization of NanomaterialsDr.S.J. Azhagu shanmugam, Professor/ Physics
Department of Science and Humanities
3VASD2201422022 - 23ODDNano and BiomaterialsDr.S.J. Azhagu shanmugam, Professor/ Physics
Department of Science and Humanities
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