Workshop on “PHP & MYSQL”

Workshop on “PHP & MYSQL”

Last updated: 06 Jan 2017

Department of Master of Computer Applications, Muthayammal Engineering College Rasipuram organized a Workshop on “PHP & MYSQL” on 06.01.2017 at internet programming lab in the College Premises. Dr.M.Moorthy, HOD/MCA, was the resource person for the function. He explained the concepts like Introduction to Python Programming, Dictionaries, List, and Complex Numbers, File Handling in python programming, and Exception Handling. He also discussed about data structures such as tuples, set, tree set, Escapes Sequences in Strings, Raw Strings and Triple-Quoted Strings, concept of data analytics in python programming. Using some real time applications he demonstrated the various features of python. Totally 60 students from various arts & science colleges attended and benefited from this workshop.

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