Seminar on Importance of “Rigorous Math in Differential Equations”

The Department of Mathematics of Muthayammal Engineering College conducted a Seminar on 6thMarch 2020. The inaugural ceremony was conducted in the morningin the EEE Research Centre.
The Programme started at 10.00.a.m. with Tamilthaivalthu. Welcome address was given by Dr.G.Sudarmozhhi,M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,Professor & Dean, Department of Science & Humanities.Presidential address was delivered by Dr.M.Madheswaran, Principal, Muthayammal Engineering College.
Mrs.M.NazreenBanu,Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, introduced the chief guest Dr.A.K.Nandakumaran, Professor, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science,Bangalore.The chief guest gave a Lecture on Importance of Rigorous Math in Differential Equations.
In Seminar,Dr.A.K.Nandakumarangave a speech aboutPhysical Model of Differential Equations.He presented some applications (Examples) ofOrdinary Differential Equations which models the classical Problems like Populations Growth,Spring-mass-dashpot system,RLC circuit Problems and other models. Through the examples,he has presented the importance of studying problems from Engineering and Science via rigorous Mathematics.In fact most of the time, closed form solutions will not be available and hence the need to understand the Differential Equations qualitatively and otherwise. This requires good knowledge of Analysis, Linear algebra, Functional Analysis Etc.
Vote of Thanks was delivered by Dr.V.Balasubramanian,Professor & Head,Department of Mathematics, Muthayammal Engineering College.

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