Role of Science in Engineering and Technology

Role of Science in Engineering and Technology

Last updated: 07 Feb 2020

The department of Science and Humanities of Muthayammal Engineering College conducted a one day National Level Symposium on 7th February, 2020. The inaugural ceremony was conducted on the forenoon in the Auditorium.The programme started at 10.00 a.m. with TamilthaiValthu. All the dignitaries lit the kuthuvilakku with the view of gracing the programme. Welcome address was given by Dr.G.Sudarmozhi, Dean S&H. Presidential address was delivered by Dr.P.Suresh COE & Dr.N.Suthanthira Vanitha Dean Quality Assurance. In their presidential address, they greeted all the participants of the ILLUMINATOR’20 and highlighted the role of symposium in the formative period of budding engineers to expose their talents along with building up their leadership qualities

Mr.S.Elavarasan Professor & Head, Department of chemistry, introduced the chief guest, Dr.V.Raj, Professor & Head, Department of chemistry, Periyar University, Salem. The chief guest gave a lecture on “The Role of Science in Engineering & Technology. In her Valedictory address, Dr.G.Kavitha, Professor & Head Department of Computer Science, stated that it is high time to think differently as the social scenario is changing. Vote of thanks was delivered by Mr.S.Bharanesh, first year student of ECE.

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