Anna University Zone – 8(Men) Kabaddi Tournament

Anna University Zone – 8 Kabaddi Men Tournament held at Salem College of Engineering and Technology, Salem. Above 16 Colleges has Participated in the tournament. Our Muthayammal Engineering College students won FIRST place.

1.Monish.M – IV Chemical
2.Ranjith Kumar.R – IV CSE
3.Yogachandran – IV IT
4.Vishva.S – IV ECE
5.Abisek.P – III MZ
6.Sivakumar.G – III EEE
7.Harish.S – II MECH
8.Vigneshwaran.V – II ECE
9.Sanjay.S – II MBA
10.Prakash.S – IV CSE
11.Suriya.M – III CIVIL
12.Sivaneshwaran.B – II BIOTECH

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