Industry Institute Partnership Cell (IIPC)


The objective of the IIP Cell is to bridge the gap between industry expectations (practice) and academic offerings (theory) by direct involvement of industry in institution’s process


The purpose of this cell is to identify the skills and expectations of the industries and prepare students for meeting them by facilitating internships, industrial visits, and Organize Seminars, Workshops, Expert Talks and industry projects


• It is required for enhancing the relationship between the Institution and Industry
• All the Stakeholders, namely: Institutions, Industry, Students and Society stand to gain as it can be a win-win    partnership
• The Institutions stand to gain by way of up to date curricula, source of revenue generation by consultancy and R & D, source of manpower for employment, societal relevance, and most importantly acquisition of brand name
• Industry stands to gain by way of availability of employable manpower pool, and increased productivity. Faculty   stand to gain by way of exposure to latest industry practices for more effective teaching learning processes, etc;
• Students stand to gain by way of hands-on training, reduction of learning curve in industrial practices and Society   stands to gain by way of improved quality of goods and service
The IIPC Cell is initiated with the above objective and following members

Dr.A.Ayyakannu – IRP coordinator
Dr.I.Arulselvan Aasirvatham – Head – Training and Placement
Dr.S.Boopathi – Professor – Mechanical Engineering
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