Dr.M.Madheswaran, M.E.,Ph.D
(IIT Varanasi), MBA
We at Muthayammal Engineering College are committed for the development of personality and transformation of a person into a fully skilled engineer in his/her field of specialization and a human being with high moral values. The college strongly promotes the students talents with the help of various clubs and associations functioning in the college. The students are given a lot of opportunities to identify and explore their hidden talents. The college also has various forums like Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC), CSI Students Chapter, IETE Students Forum, SAE Chapter, ISTE Staff and Students Chapter and IEEE Student Branch. Students are encouraged to participate in Conferences, Symposium, Internship, Technical Competitions, Sports and Cultural Events.
With the constant and excellent support of dedicated Management, committed Faculty and motivated Student community, our college has been adjudged as one of the Best Engineering College in Tamilnadu.
I wish all the Students and Staff every success in their future endeavours.
- Ph.D (Electronics Engineering) – IIT(BHU), Varanasi 1999
- 29 years of Experience in the field of Engineering Education – 16 years as Principal
- 49 scholars awarded Ph.D. | 3 Scholars submitted Ph.D. Thesis | 9 Scholars Pursuing Ph.D.
- Google Scholar Citations -2097 | h-index – 26 | i10 index – 62 as on 07 Oct 2022
- 210 + publications in Journals | 120 + publications in Conference |11+ Countries Visited
- Reviewer in IEEE, IET, Springer, ICT Academy Journals
- 7+ Awards – Young Scientist Fellowship – (TNSCST, DST), Senior Research Fellow – (CSIR)
- 7+ Memberships in Professional Societies as Life Member, Fellow, Senior Member.
- Held positions as Chair, Executive Committee Member IEEE & IETE, Director of Alumni Association, IIT BHU Varanasi 2017 & 2018
- Presently Chair of IEEE Madras Section Nanotechnology Group