Secretary’s Message

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
– Alan Kay
It is believed that the pleasant academic ambience depends on the use of Institution Facilities and the contribution by the Faculty Members and Students. We strongly believe that the stakeholders namely Faculty Members, Students, Parents, Recruiters and Public provide every opportunity to serve them and make the existence of the Institution with high pride in this segment.
Since its inception, Muthayammal Engineering College has been making relentless efforts in maintaining standards in Teaching and Research besides ensuring proper character building among the students for nurturing leadership so as to enable them in all means.
Our goal is to make our students as quality engineers who will excel in engineering fields and also have good managerial skills to face the challenging assignments in various chances in their life. The student centric learning and enhancement of skills are the strategic approach of our Institution. We provide all the possible opportunities for the Students and Faculty Members to enhance the technical knowledge to meet the future demands.
I personally believe in lifelong learning and expect every member in our Institution to excel and enhance the career.
With Best Wishes and Regards