Business Intelligence Group

Business Intelligence Group

The purpose of business intelligence in a business is to help the students to make better and more informed business decisions. Companies also use business intelligence to cut costs, Students to identify new business opportunities, and spot inefficient business processes.

Value Added & Skill Development Courses(VASD) : TLeG : 50G05 : Business Intelligence Group
S.NoCourse IDYearSemester Course NameCourse Coordinator
Name and Designation
No. of Beneficiary
1VASD2101052021 - 22ODDProductivity and Employability skill TrainingDr. P. Ganapathi, Professor and Head
Master of Business Administration
2VASD2102052021 - 22EVEN Corporate Skills for ExecutivesDr. P. Ganapathi, Professor and Head
Master of Business Administration
3VASD2201052022 - 23ODDE - HRMDr. P. Ganapathi, Professor and Head
Master of Business Administration
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