Muthayammal Consultancy Policy (MCP)

Faculty members are encouraged to provide the consultancy to the industries and other organizations based on their requirements. The consultancy could be Individual/Institutional Consultancy.
  • Individual Consultancy is offered by a faculty member in his/her individual capacity.
  • Institutional Consultancy is offered by a team of faculty members from the same discipline or different discipline of the Institute.
  • A  Consultancy work may be undertaken by the faculty members in their area of expertise.
  • Consultancy services should be undertaken only with prior permission of the Institute.
  • Consultancy should not interfere with the regular duties of the consulting faculty member or the department.
  • Consultancy services should not be in conflict with the interest of the Institute.
  • Consultant should not directly or indirectly get associated with any other activities which may be unethical or inappropriate.

The income received from the consultancy work will be shared with the faculty members based on the nature of consultancy and the use of Institution resources.
  • Consultancy work without using Institute resources will have the 30% for Institute and 70% for the faculty member or the team  who is taking up the consultancy work
  • Consultancy work using the Institute resources will have the share  50%  each by the Institute and the consulting faculty member or the team members.
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