National Mathematics Day Celebrations “Maths for Engineers”

The Sri Srinivasa Ramanujan Mathematics Club (Department of Mathematics) of Muthayammal Engineering College hosted a grand celebration on December 22, 2023, in honor of the renowned mathematician Sri Srinivasa Ramanujan. Titled “Math for Engineers” this National Mathematics Day event aimed to instill a lifelong passion for learning math and to commemorate the significance of math facts, equations, and sequences. We organized a series of 10 engaging activities such as “Mathematical Reasoning Test, Math Rangoli, Paper Presentation Contest, Puzzle Train, Puzzle, Connection, Math Quiz, Math Stick, Sudoku, Guess Me “to captivate the student’s interest.
We were honored to have Dr. R.Lakshmi, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Annamalai University, Chidambaram as our esteemed Resource person for the event. During her address, Dr.R.Lakshmi highlighted the indispensability of math in our daily lives, even when we are unaware of its presence. She Eloquently portrayed how math permeates various aspects of our lives, from playing games to making calculations. Furthermore, she shed light on the invaluable contributions of mathematics in fields such as medicine, commerce, engineering, literature, and many others. Her words inspired the students to foster a competitive spirit and strengthen their understanding of diverse mathematical concepts through teamwork.
At the conclusion of the National Mathematics Day celebrations, prizes were awarded to the deserving winners. This event proved to be immensely beneficial for more than 250 first-year B.E. and B.Tech students, who actively participated with great enthusiasm.

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