Hands-on-Training on “Internet of Things”

The Department of Cyber Security at Muthayammal Engineering College recently hosted a Hands-on Training on Internet of Things. The training, which took place from 06.11.2023 to 10.11.2023, was conducted by Dr. L. Devi, Project Manager at Redmind Technologies in Vennadur, Namakkal.
During the training, participants were introduced to the vast opportunities that the Internet of Things (IoT) offers across various industries. Despite facing challenges, the IoT continues to expand its capacity for innovation and connectivity. One notable tool discussed during the training was Rasperrypi, which has the ability to perform tasks similar to a desktop computer.
To effectively accomplish projects, participants were encouraged to utilize platforms like wokwi and express their execution digitally. This hands-on training provided valuable insights and practical knowledge in the field of IoT.

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