(An Autonomous Institution)
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Accredited by NAAC & Affiliated to Anna University)
Rasipuram - 637 408, Namakkal Dist., Tamil Nadu.
Department of Master of Computer Applications
Question Bank - Academic Year (2020-21)
Course Code & Course Name
: 19CAB02 & Data structures and Algorithms
Define Linear Data structure with Examples.
What is an Array and its types?
Write an Algorithm to convert infix to Postfix Conversion?
Write Down the Applications of Queue.
What is Enqueue and Dequeue?
What is Circular Linked List?
What is Structure with Examples?
Unit-II : Tree Structures
Part-A (2 Marks)
Define the Non-Linear Structures.
List out the types of tree..
Define Height and Level of tree
Difference Between Binary Tree and Binary Search tree.
(i)Explain Stack and its infix to postfix conversion
(ii)Describe Queue and its Applications.
Discuss in detail about Linked list and its types.
Rules for the conversion from infix to postfix expression with Example
Discuss in detail about Polynomial Addition