(An Autonomous Institution)
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Accredited by NAAC & Affiliated to Anna University)
Rasipuram - 637 408, Namakkal Dist., Tamil Nadu.
Department of Master of Computer Applications
Question Bank - Academic Year (2020-21)
Course Code & Course Name
20MC102 & Computer Organization and Architecture
I / I / -
Unit-I: Digital Fundamentals
Part-A (2 Marks)
Mention different number systems used in digital technology.
Convert (756)8 to binary number.
Convert (A25)16 into decimal number.
List out the Boolean Multiplication functions.
Mention any four properties of Boolean algebra.
State the Demorgans theorem.
Prove that AB+ABC+ABC’+A’BC=B(A+C).
Obtain the canonical sum of product form of the function Y=AB+BC.
Draw the symbol of basic logic gates.
What is mean by universal gate?
Part-B (16 Marks)
Explain Number System conversions with examples.
What is Boolean Algebra? Discuss basic laws and properties of Boolean algebra.
3. (i)
Prove that BCD+AC’D’+ABD=BCD+AC’D’+ABC’.
3. (ii)
Write a short note on Logic gates.
Simplify the following Boolean functions using k map F(x,y,z)=∑m (0,2,6,7).
Find the minimal sum of products for the Boolean expression
f(w,x,y,z)=∑(1,3,4,5,9,10,11)+∑d (6,8) using Quine-McCluskey method.
Unit-II : Combinational and Sequential Circuits
Part-A (2 Marks)
What do you mean by combinational circuit?
Draw a half adder circuit using logic gates.
What is mean by half subtractor and full subtractor?
What is mean by Encoder?
What is mean by Demultiplexer?
What is the function of magnitude comparator?
What is mean by synchronous sequential circuit?
Define flip flop.
Mention the types of flip-flop triggering.
What is a binary counter?
Part-B (16 Marks)
Discuss in detail about Half adder and Full adder.
2. (i)
Write in detail about Encoder.
2. (ii)
Explain with the neat diagram, the operation of a multiplexer.
3. (i)
Explain the function of Demultiplexer.
3. (ii)
Explain magnitude comparator.
4. (i)
What do you mean by flip flop? Explain any 3 types of flip flop.
4. (ii)
Define decoder and design 3-8 decoder.
5. (i)
Describe in detail about Shift register.
5. (ii)
Write a short note on full subtractor.
Unit-III : Basic Structure Of Computers
Part-A (2 Marks)
What are the main parts of functional unit?
Define processor clock and clock rate.
Define throughput rate.
Define MIPS rate.
What is MFLOPS?
What is pipelining?
Define SPEC rating.
What is register transfer notation?
Define Immediate addressing mode.
Differentiate RISC and CISC.
Part-B (16 Marks)
1. (i)
Draw and explain the block diagram of processor functional unit.
1. (ii)
Discuss the operation of computer.
2. (i)
Illustrate in detail about Bus structures.
2. (ii)
Write a short note on RISC and CISC.
Explain briefly about Instructions and Instruction Sequencing.
Explain briefly about different types of addressing modes.
5. (i)
State and explain the basic performance equation.
5. (ii)
Write a short note on ALU design.
Unit-IV : Processor Design
Part-A (2 Marks)
What are the buses used in processor interfacing?
Define clock speed of processor.
What is the function of CPU?
Define Processor clock.
What is mean by control word?
What are the basic functions of micro programmed control?
What is mean by hardwired control?
Define Pipelining.
What is mean by Data hazard?
Define super scalar processor.
Part-B (16 Marks)
1. (i)
Write in detail about Processor basics.
1. (ii)
Discuss about Datapath control.
Describe in detail CPU Organization.
3. (i)
Explain the Hardwired control unit block diagram and its operation.
3. (ii)
Explain the pipeline control.
Discuss the Hazards and its types.
5. (i)
Explain the micro programmed control unit and its operation.
5. (ii)
Write the short notes on super scalar operation.
Unit-V : Memory, I/O System and Parallel Processing
Part-A (2 Marks)
What are the functions of main memory?
Define virtual memory.
Define virtual address.
Define Associative memory.
Define cache memory.
What is mean by hit and miss?
Mention different mapping technique used in cache memory.
What is hit-ratio?
What is I/O interface?
What is called interrupt?
Course Faculty
Part-B (16 Marks)
1. (i)
Briefly explain Virtual memory.
1. (ii)
Write a short note on Input-Output interface.
Write in detail about Cache memory.
Explain in detail about Associative memory.
4. (i)
Discuss about modes of transfer.
4. (ii)
Write a short note on Direct Memory Access (DMA).
Discuss in detail about Interrupts.